Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Strathmore Law Review

					View Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Strathmore Law Review

This Seventh Volume presents articles discussing issues on Digital Identification and human rights, prisoners' rights, constitutional law, regional trade agreements, data protection, marriage and divorce, and extradition policies. The publication of this volume is made possible through the sponsorship of: Coulson Harney Advocates (Bowmans) - Platinum, CMS Daly Inamdar Advocates - Gold, and Iseme, Kamau, and Maema (IKM) Advocates - Silver.

This volume is dedicated to the Late Miss Annette Kanyugo, one of the editors of the SLR that passed-on on 23 July 2022.

Published: 2022-09-01